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Dr. Google Meet Dr. Chat GPT

Artificial intelligence technology, including the use of search engines (Google, Bing, Yahoo, DuckDuckGo, among others) and generative tools (Chat GPT, Copilot, Bard, Ernie Bot, among others) for actionable medical advice cannot be separated from a long and important host of issues relating to safety (read: accuracy and trust of information), bias (political and otherwise, or sometimes outright fallacy, by omission or otherwise), liability, transparency, privacy and absence of regulatory oversight.

However exciting or trendy, helpful or hurtful, life changing or transformational it is and has continued to be, AI as a modern tool is first undeniably capable of applying machine learning to perceive, learn and store, and forecast text outputs with minimal human intervention at incredible speed.

Use of AI, stunning at moments with what is presented in use, yet in the exam room as well as the board room and by the kitchen table or on the personal phone, is still a tool, it still hinges solely upon human consideration, judgment (acceptance, rejection, or somewhere in between) and application (in modest or generous amounts) of the output.

{Cohort Virtual} 2024-CT-VUSA-104

Enrollment: December 2023

Participant Notification: January 2024

Active Cohort: March 2024

Abstract and Cohort Paper: April 2024